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Celebrating Summer Promotions

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By Kiran Kundra – 1st August 2024

We are delighted to announce a series of promotions across Corstorphine & Wright.

Please join us in congratulating:

  • Laura Fernandes – London – Associate
  • Andrew Wilkins – Stourbridge – Associate
  • Joe Bateman – Stourbridge – Associate
  • Isla Wishart – Manchester – Senior Architect
  • Giorgio Pernasilici – Warwick – Senior Architect
  • Julie Hatt – Group – Proposals Associate
  • Julia Rondinone – Group – Model Workshop Manager

It with great pleasure that we announce that Ed Baverstock has taken a place on the Board as a Group Director responsible for Operational Risk and Compliance.

Alongside these exciting promotions, we would also like to recognise George BaxterAndrew Maclachlan and Chris Randall who have received well-deserved title updates to reflect the value they provide to Corstorphine & Wright.

We are fortunate to work with such a talented team and it’s a pleasure to recognise their professional development in this way. Congratulations to them all.

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