Sandvik Halesowen, UK

Our vision is to establish a new, locally distinctive neighbourhood by providing a landscape-led, sustainable, mixed-use development and delivering an exemplar scheme.
We were appointed by Sandvik Coromant to assist in the re-development of their existing facility along Manor Way in Halesowen. The proposals were for a mixed-use scheme which saw their current office and warehousing facility demolished and replaced with a landmark building to be Sandvik’s UK Head Office. The remainder of the site was designated for new residential development.
The residential scheme provides 80 dwellings – which include a variety of housing types and tenures – helping to establish a new sustainable neighbourhood on this strategic site. This also included associated parking, landscaping and junction improvements to the existing access point from Manor Way. A key design consideration was to respond sensitively to the local landscape character, retaining the existing mature landscaping to create attractive green connections and amenity spaces.
The development creates premium homes that integrate into the surrounding context by reflecting the local character and urban grain. The well-received proposal demonstrates how residential, commercial and green spaces can co-exist together. We worked closely with Sandvik and the local authority, and we listened to the views of the local community to fully consider the impact upon and within the local area. This allowed us to create a development that’s beneficial to the wider community.

A holistic approach to the overall design creates connected places and streets. These integrate into the surrounding context and provide a network of amenity spaces, which are overlooked by locally inspired homes.
The density of 43 dwellings per developable hectare is appropriate in providing a well-balanced neighbourhood and responding to the location on a Public Transport Corridor. The development mix encourages sustainability by incorporating a range of 1- to 4-bed dwellings. Affordable homes will make up 25% of the overall number, be ‘pepper potted’ across the site and be designed to be tenure blind.
The dwelling arrangement reflects the local character in terms of urban grain and massing. It also promotes good design, with outward-facing buildings overlooking public and semi-public spaces. Feature 2.5- and 3-storey units, as well as dual-aspect dwellings, are strategically positioned to create feature buildings that frame vistas, terminate views and provide interesting streetscapes.
A strong rhythm of forms and a consistent palette of materials add aesthetic value and signify key locations within the development. This helps integrate the development into the wider community and create a distinctive place with a sense of identity. Creating attractive amenity areas encourages wellbeing, social interaction and engagement – while contributing to the overall aesthetic.

This landscape-led development provides attractive and useable amenity spaces for residents and visitors alike – and delivers an overall improved ecological value.
The proposals reinforce existing links and create new networks throughout the site and out to the wider area, increasing connectivity.
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