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Corstorphine + Wright appoints new Head of IT

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By Suzanne Ross – 19th October 2020

Due to phenomenal growth, Corstorphine + Wright is delighted to announce an entirely new role in the practice. Jonathan Carthy joins us to head up the group’s IT function. With 10 studios across the UK and over 200 people, Jonathan’s role as Head of IT will play a critical part in the ongoing development of Corstorphine + Wright.

Jonathan is a highly experienced, strategically-focused IT professional and his wealth of knowledge means he’s perfectly suited to define a group-wide holistic IT strategy and deliver this digital transformation.

His skill set and experience lend themselves well to high-level strategic thinking and his career history has allowed him to build upon strong foundations. As such, some of Jonathan’s initial projects at Corstorphine + Wright will focus on reducing risk, enhancing connectivity, strengthening the group’s security posture and ultimately, ensuring staff have a high performing, reliable and secure platform from which exceptional work can be produced for clients.

Prior to this appointment, Jonathan has delivered many successful change and transformational projects. Previously, he worked at WAA, a full-service advertising agency in Sutton Coldfield and then latterly at Glenn Howells Architects. In both roles, he designed and built high-performance, secure and resilient IT infrastructure. As a result of greatly improving the practice’s security posture in his most recent position, Jonathan was instrumental in successfully obtaining Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation over four consecutive years. Jonathan also designed and delivered a next generation data center to unlock the potential for geographically dispersed collaborative design.

In his new Head of IT role, based in Corstorphine + Wright’s Birmingham studio, Jonathan believes there is opportunity to improve upon three key areas: people, process and technology. He believes in building a solid foundation for technology but the more exciting work will be with people and processes – he’s greatly looking forward to improving the practice’s ability to deliver better buildings, more efficiently. This is a chance to push beyond boundaries and achieve greater successes.

Speaking of his new appointment, Jonathan said, “I’m looking forward to engaging will all our studios and getting a feel for how they work collaboratively, and most importantly, getting to know the people. I believe we can achieve great things at Corstorphine + Wright – the potential is clear for all to see. I look forward to seeing how we progress over the next 12 to 18 months. This will be an exciting time for everyone”.

Corstorphine + Wright’s Group Finance Director, Ben Round said: “I’m confident Jonathan will make a significant contribution to our IT strategy. He possesses that rare quality of being an all-rounder in all areas of IT and I’m keen to see him put his high-level strategic thinking into practice.”

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