Elements Edinburgh Edinburgh, UK


Crosswind Developments







Elements Edinburgh will be a new mixed-use community with digital enterprise as its driving function. The aim is to create a “live-work” environment focusing on inclusive sectors such as the digital economy, emerging technologies and skills development.


We designed the masterplan to be flexible, responsive and reduce commute times for people who work there. It provides a framework for a connected future, moving away from car culture into a new era of sustainable living – with net-zero carbon as a key ambition. New local amenities will allow people to remain within the community while still retaining connectivity to active travel networks.

The overall concept is centred on the Elements Hub, which will incorporate a range of complementary uses carefully planned around it.


The public piazza at the heart of the masterplan will provide high-quality public realm, creating a civic centre and gathering place. The development will also feature new green space, a requirement that emerged following extensive consultation with local communities.


The impact of coronavirus has been severe both in terms of public health and economic damage. However, we have adapted our original plans, which already included many aspects of sustainability and inclusion, to ensure that Elements Edinburgh will be an exemplar for similar developments as we move to new ways of living and working. John Watson, CEO, Crosswind Developments

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