Kidbrooke Village Greenwich, UK

Kidbrooke Village provides a range of affordable homes alongside private for sale homes. Berkeley Homes (East Thames) partnered with Moat Housing and London & Quadrant Housing to deliver apartments and townhouses at affordable rates.
The design of the apartments is tenure-blind where there is a mix of private for sale and affordable
(shared ownership) homes.
Costorphine & Wright was appointed as lead consultant by Berkeley Homes (East Thames) to develop the planning approved design proposals into a detailed tender and construction status packages. Throughout the duration of the project a number of design changes were instructed to optimise the buildability following lessons learned on earlier phases. This required careful management and a proactive approach to incorporate the required changes, with minimal effect, on the ongoing construction activities.

Part of our appointment was to act as BIM Co-ordinator, responsible for running clash detection exercises and fully co-ordinating the BIM models developed by the other design consultants.
All apartments meet London Design Guide standards and NDSS.
The Kidbrooke Village development is a joint venture between Berkeley Homes and Peabody Housing. Both parties were included in the delivery process.
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